
2A 1/3 passé


【P1】 = 统计 + 量子力学2 + INF411 + 动力系统(sup)

【统计】第一次给了我一个感觉统计也可以非常非常理论。应该说这个统计课就是告诉我们,在什么样的假设下,我们脑洞打开设计的方法是有道理的(estimateur), 或者随机变量之间应该有怎样的一种依赖性(regression),以及我们设计了一个方法,然后根据这个方法找变量的关系,这个方法的准确性是多少(test)。稍显美中不足的,过于理论了,甚至都没有拿这些方法做过什么。当下统计学习如此火热,我们当然要懂些原理,可是连一点点直觉都没有好像不太好。



【动力系统】因为最后没有参加考试所以后来劲就送了,只能等到来年再来过了。不过我个人觉得这门课内容对我而言是有提升的。本科对ODE的了解就停留在解解方程了,而事实上呢?法国整个动力系统的框架完全是建立在更一般抽象的体系上的么。当然基石还是Cauchy Lipthiz.还有整个Flot的想法应该是渗透到了力学还有PDE当中去的。


【P2】 = Distribution + 数值入门 + INF421 + 狭义相对论(sup)






【INF421】stabe matching, DP, 各种最短路最小生成树,TPS,做了个Projet TTP,还有胡来的随机算法和启发式算法。

【狭义相对论】又当科普课上了,总算会用lorenz 变换写各种光啊波啊等等。

【小结】:说真的不是每一门课都那么喜欢,但是也强迫着自己拿出至少85分热情去面对了所以学着还挺好(?)吧。后面有概率模型,统计物理,BIG Data,还有NS方程。以及我们不能把PSC就这样落下啊。最后两个学期,是体现120分热情的时候了,小宇宙烧起来~

Three interesting questions

Yesterday, we talk about three interesting questions in the cuisine and luckily I have found the answers by myself for this three enigma. Now, I share them with you.

[Probability and a series of number]
A series of integers are coming but we don't know the total number of these integers. We have a fix number of memory. Try to design a way to give one number of them randomly.

Idea: Because we don't know the number, so in fact we keep the random during all the process. We start from the simple case. We we given one number, we just keep it. But once we have two, we must update it with the prob 0.5. That is the key. Once we know the total number until now, we have the method to update the data randomly.So two memory is OK.

[Find the polynomial]
We are given a polynomial of degree integer positive. We have two chance to test the polynomial by value. How we find it?

Idea: Intuitively, this is not so logical because in maths we know we can construct a polynomial of certain zeros. But pay attention to the positive integer coefficient. The addition of one polynomial cannot always be correct.

The correct way to think by maths: if we can separate the coefficient, we get it. But to separate the coefficient we have to know the range, so the first chance we can use it to test the range of coefficient. For example, we put 1 in it. We get the range. We put 100000~0 to it, then we get the coefficient.

RMK: It is said that this method can be used to attack the HashCode.

[The most frequent number]
Once again, we are given a series of integer and we know that there is one number which appears more than half of it. We don't know the number, try to find it.

Idea: this is one in which I use the most of time. I got the answer by intuition and then prove it by maths. We get one number, count the number from it, count the number it occurs. If the frequency is lower than half, erase all the data and re gain the number.

A better arrangement can reduce the memory to two. But the heart of this idea is that if we do partition of the interval, at least from one point, the frequency of this number is always above 0.5.