










Erlang and Jackson Network

This is a note for reviewing the MAP554 and some points about network.

M/M/1, M/M/$\infty$, birth and death

The basic model of queue theory. M/M/1 has just one server and has an invariant measure like geometric law,
\pi(n) = p^n(1-p), p = \frac{\lambda}{\mu}
M/M/$\infty$ has infinite server and Poisson law
\pi(n) = e^{-p} \frac{p^n}{n!}, p = \frac{\lambda}{\mu}
where $\lambda$ is the rate of arrival and $\mu$ the rate of waiting. A more general case can be done like change of power.

Erlang network:

This is just an application for truncated technique. That is if we have already a network with reversible invariant measure, we can generate a new by changing the power of that part. That is  
\tilde{q}(x,y) &=& C q(x,y), \forall x \in \mathcal{A}, y \in \mathcal{S} - \mathcal{A}\\
\tilde{q}(x,y) &=& q(x,y) , \text{ otherwise }
Then the new invariant measure becomes
\tilde{\pi}(x) &=& K\pi(x) , \forall x \in \mathcal{A} \\
\tilde{\pi}(y) &=& KC\pi(y) , \forall y \in \mathcal{S} -\mathcal{A}\\
K &=& \frac{1}{\pi(\mathcal{A}) + \pi(\mathcal{S} - \mathcal{A})}
The application is that we make $C = 0$ then the network is defined in just the part $\mathcal{A}$. For example, in the network of route with restriction $\mathcal{R}$, we can just do the case without restriction to get $\pi$, which is just the case of several M/M/1 independent, then we do restriction and normalization.
\tilde{\pi}(x) = K\pi(x) , \forall x \in \mathcal{A}, K = \frac{1}{\sum_{x \in \mathcal{R}} \pi(x)}

Jackson network

A more general model of network is like that. Each station has rate $\lambda_i$ of arrival and $\phi_i(n_i)\mu_i$ rate to tackling the service. Here $\phi_i(n_i)$ can be considered as the power of server, in the case M/M/1 it is always 1 and M/M/$\infty$ it is always $\phi_i(n_i) = n_i$. However, the difference is that after each service of station $i$, it has possibility $r_{ij}$ to go to the station j

The key is to find a equivalent $\tilde{\lambda}_i$ which satisfies that
\tilde{\lambda}_i = \lambda_i + \sum_j \tilde{\lambda}_j r_{ji}
then the station looks like independent and has the invariant measure
\pi(n) = \Pi_i \frac{\tilde{p}_i^{n_i}}{\Pi_{m=1}^{n_i}\phi_i(m)}, \tilde{p}_i = \frac{\tilde{\lambda}_i}{\mu_i}


Levy characterization, representation of martingale and change of probability

I am preparing for the final, so I write some notes for the course maths finance.

Levy characterization for Brownian motion: 
If $\phi_s^T \phi_s = Id$, then
$B_t = \int^t_0 \phi_s dW_s$
is a standard Brownian motion

This theorem is very useful and it describes the nature that after a con-formal transform, the BM keeps its properties.

Representation of martingale:
This theorem has different version. The most general version is that for a $\mathcal{F}_t$ adapted local martingale $M_t$, it can be written as 
$M_t = \mathbb{E}[M_t] + \int_0^t H_s dWs$
where $H_t \in \mathbb{H}^2_{loc}$.

This is a mathematical version of perfect duplication theorem. The proof starts from the case $L^2 \text{martingale} \rightarrow L^1 \text{martingale} \rightarrow \text{local martingale}$. It has many application in the stochastic calculus.

Change of probability: 
First we define $Z_T = \exp{(\int_0^T \phi_s dW_s - \frac{1}{2}\phi_s^2 ds)}$. Generally, it's only a local martingale and if it satisfies $\mathbb{E}[Z_T] = 1$, we can define a change of probability
$\frac{d\mathbb{Q}}{d\mathbb{P}} = Z_T$ 
then under the new probability $\mathbb{Q}$, we can define a new BM in the form
$\tilde{B}_t = B_t - \int_0^t \phi_s ds$
We remark that in the case $\phi$ is deterministic, then the there is no problem since in this case, $Z_T$ is well defined of expectation 1. Otherwise, the expectation is not so clear but there is a theorem Novikov, says that if $\exp{(\int_0^T \frac{1}{2}\phi_s^2 ds)} < \infty$, then all the condition is satisfied.
The change of probability  can simplify the formula and has important applications on Monte-Carlo algorithms.


















How to get out of the prison?

[Question]: A and B are jailed in two  room and throw a coin independently. Then they  give a guess, if at least one of them get the right answer, then they can get out, Do they have a strategy to get out of the prison.

[Answer]: Yes.  If we let A give the answer as it is, and B reverse the  answer, we have four situations: (A, B) = (1,0), (1,1), (0,0), (0,1) and their answer (F(B), F(A)) = (1, 1), (0,1), (1,0), (0,0), at least one will be right.

If we analyse a little, we will find no matter what happens, the expectation of right answer is just 1, what we need to do is to reduce the 0. So we need to make their prediction as two random variable correlated. This is the strategy and we make some try to get the right answer.


Random Graph : Erdos-Renyi Graph

OK, Finally I finish finding the way to add maths equation into the blog and this will be my first blog with the beautiful equations.

Recently, in the course of MAP554, we talk about different types of random graphs, a branch very active in maths and its applications since the appearance of the social network. In fact, there exists various types of random graphs to simulate different situations, we will start one by one and in this post we concentrate on Erdos-Renyi Graph

Definition of Erdos-Renyi graph

The definition of Erdos-Renyi graph is very simple. In graph $G(n, p)$, each edge between vertex $u,v$ has probability $p$ to appear, and for different edges, they are independent. This model simulates well the situation the propagation of virus in the society, or the diffusion of message in a small environment, where every one is same and no limit of distance.

We consider a concrete question: Now the ads is diffused, what's the probability that all the people are influenced? What's the possible size of the largest connected component?

The emergence of great connected component

We simulate the propagation of the information in the way like the random walk associated with Watson-Galton branching movement. Each step, we deactiver a vertex and add all the vertex non-explored who has connection with that one. If we note $A_k$ the number active and $D_k$ the number explored in the k-th time. That is
A_k = A_{k-1} + D_{k} - 1
where $D_k$ follows the distribution of $Bin(n - A_{k-1} - k + 1)$.

This description is the most important way and we will repeat that many and many times in the proof. The estimation about the size of Watson-Galton is very standard by the Chernoff inequality:
\mathbb{P}(C > k) \leq \mathbb{P}(A_k > 0) = \mathbb{P}(D_1 + D_2 + \dots D_k > k)
\leq  e^{-\theta k } \mathbb{E}[e^{\theta(D_1 + D_2 + \dots D_k )}]
Then, we use the technique to minimize the right term.

We declare directly the conclusion : In the case sub-critical, $np < 1$, the largest connected component is of the order $\log{n}$ with a large probability. In the case super-critical, $np > 1$, with large probability, the largest connected component is of the order $O(n)$, but the second one is of the order $\log{n}$.

The probability of a connected graph   

The conclusion: $\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} np - \log{n} = c$, then the probability that the graph is connected is $e^{-e^{-c}}$.

The proof of this theorem uses the first and second moment method, the approximation of Poisson distribution (little number theorem). Something amazing is that in fact, this probability is very close to that of non isolated vertex in the graph. That is to say, when $n$ is big enough, we can consider the two equivalent.

Conclusion: The Erdos-Renyi graph is the simplest model of random graph, since there are no geometric structures, which makes it simple and accessible. When the probability is so small, there are high probability that the graph isn't connected and when it rises, the probability of connectivity climbs, the biggest connected component will also grow from the $\log{n}$ to $O(n)$. Moreover, in some more complicated model like Ising model or percolation, there are also the similar conclusion like sub-critical and super-critical.

Phase transition, the critical point, the asymptotic behavior, scaling limit and continuous model associated, the random walk on the random graph, the mixing time of the former...These will compose my future research. Exciting!


BS formula, PDE and Mote-Carlo

In mathematical finance, a key problem is the price of the derivative, for example the price of the option. This semester, I take a standard master course in X, which gives me so much impression: How a system can train the mathematics financial engineer as quickly as possible. After all, there are beautiful maths in it. Here, I would like to take some point.

Preparation: Martingale, Brownian motion, Ito calculus

Before beginning the study of mathematical finance, some basic knowledge is necessary. Basic probability, large number theory and central limit is far from sufficient, but the the theory Martincale is also important. We can find a previous article in my blog. Then, the trajectory most common in maths-finance is the standard BM. Yes, we can generate some others like Poisson process, Markov process, Levy process and branching process, but the most basic one is the BM, the scaling limit of the simple random walk, who simulate the behavior of large number of investor in the market.

Personally, I believe the research about the random curve itself is interesting enough, but in maths-finance, what makes sense is the Ito calculus, which makes the integration along a random trace has sense. The integration can be defined for H^2 space, local martingale and even semi-martingale, considering adding one term of finite variation. The construction of these space and integration can be seen as a special application of real analysis and functional analysis.

Mathematics weapons: PDE vs Proba, Numeric vs Mote-Carlo, Feyman-Kac

A key formula who plays an important role and make connection of maths-finance with other domain is the Feyman-Kac formula. This formula tells us that, for calculating the expectation of some random variable, we can study a PDE associated using the generator. The inverse procedure is also correct: to treat a type of parabolic equation, we can also study the associated random process. 

In practice, these two branches also lead to different realization: numerical solution or Mote-Carlo method. Personally, the Mote-Carlo method is easier to implement, but is it necessarily better? No idea, because after we will see other examples.

Feyman-Kac can also treat the Dirichlet question, which associate not a heat equation but a Poisson equation.

Application in the context of finance

The maths-finance is not a course pure probability, so we cannot ignore the part practical. For example, in the pricing, what's the principal? If we do not make it clear, those weapons will be abused. 

There are two principle, one is no arbitrage and the other is perfect replication. The perfect replication is simple, there is no option in the nature, so when we vend one option, we have to prepare  some strategy to produce these service so that we can  give the money. However, the production procedure follows also one condition self-finance, from what we see the final PDE. Then, the no arbitrage principal makes sense. That is the price should be exact the expectation. If not, the other has arbitrage principal to make money.

When we draw conclusion, we always say that the price is the expectation after actualization under the risk neutral measure. This simple phrase uses the change of probability, the PDE and other knowledge. We pay attention that the price does not depend on the change of the stock! But just the volatility. The drift is in fact erased in the neutral risk. We know, the final object of pricing is that equilibrium but not profit!

Beyond the Feyman-Kac

From the technique part, but also the maths-financial part, the Feyman-Kac is not enough since the generator is always linear. But for some general case? For example, the optimization problem, what we do?

The answer is BSDE, an advanced method that give a backward method to solve the equation.

In addition, some other option can make the pricing totally into a maths game. The existence and uniqueness of the SDE has also some practical meaning: the count cannot be infinite in debt. So the  finance and maths interact one with the other, just like my tutor Pierre does.


How the TCP works ?

In the course probabilistic algorithm, we talk about how the TCP works. In fact, what we do on the course is a reverse engineering, that is, we know the policy taken in our reality and then try to find the philosophy behind.

What the TCP does?

What TCP does is very simple. When we send the pocket on Internet, there are always limits for the bandwidth. The PC will increase the number sent if it receives a success signal in order to accelerate the speed, but divide by 2 to avoid the traffic problem if it receives a signal of failure.  Intuitively, this is a good strategy, but what it achieves?

A general model

Inspired by the model in economics, we apply the model of optimization. In this model, we aim at a function of utility and some limits. In our problem, the limit is clearly the physical limit: the sum of flux cannot be greater than the admissible one. But the goal function, in fact, can be very different. There are max-min, proportional function, alpha weight function. The TCP is just one specific case of alpha weighted function.

Technique part 1: primal algorithm

The next problem is that what can we do when facing a general optimization problem. We ca ignore the condition and just treat the relaxed question and apply the primal algorithm. The Lyapunov function and ODE theory assures that this method converges.

Technique part 2: Lagrange  multiplier and dual method

A second method which treat the problem directly is the theory of optimization. Maybe we know always the method of Lagrange multiplier method, it is correct and always correct given a good function. However, the most profound theory is Kuhn-Tucker theory and a dual problem. If we would like to minimiser the function, we can minimiser given the parameter, and then maximiser the parameter. This procedure always works if we find the Kuhn-Tucker vector, this is true when it has control from the lower bound. So this idea propose the dual algorithm for our question.


Greedy algorithm for viral marketing is good engough

The viral marketing is a very mathematical question. We assume that each client has some probabilities to distribute the information to other places, then we need to calculate the minimum number to ensure that all the network is infected after some time. We can just simplify the question such that we choose a community and then consider its neighborhood. Then a naive method is to find the vertex who will add the most number into the community. Is this method smart enough?

The answer is amazing, Yes! If we do like this, we can achieve a solution that infected the network at least constant times of the optimal solution.

In the following, we list the main steps in the proof. We denote F(A) the number of vertex connected. Then a key formula is 

F(A \union B) + F(A \intersection B) <= F(A) + F(B)

Then, in the stream of greedy algorithm C_i, the increment is not so bad. That is 

F(C_{i+1}) - F(C_i) >= 1\k * (F(C) - F(C_i))

If we change a little this formula, we will get 

F(C) - F(C_i) <= (1 - 1\k)^k * (F(C) - F(0))

So the greedy algorithm attends at least 1 - 1/e = 0.632 times the optimal solution, a result good enough in certain situation. 

OK, greedy algorithm is not always the best but not bad.


To be or not to be? 何去何从?



















P.S: 新赛季开始了,我最爱的小卡又涨球了。你说篮球打得好也不见得玩得了排球,小前打得好也不见得干得过中锋,前锋位置上历史上还有呆呆老詹,后卫位置上追一辈子帮主唠嗑也未必够得上,努力是为什么呢?可是我还是希望小卡能成为最棒的啊!

Voila, 一样的道理么。数学家练到顶级也不见得能填掉其他方向的坑,分析概率练到化境估计还是不懂代数,可是我依然觉得能把喜欢的事情做到顶级是件很棒的事情!不要拦着我!


Complex analysis: a review

Recently, I pay two days to review the most basic one variable complex analysis. I have to say that, in fact, I have learned this topic in 2012 (OK, I have learned system in 2011 even earlier but I still have to review them in this year), but in that time, I find that difficult to understand this topic and I got even the worst result during my undergraduate in this course. However, for most people, complex analysis is easier than real analysis. Really?

I think that maybe the difficulty is that, the real analysis is more quantitative but complex analysis has more structure. If we have well understood the differential calculus and some topology, this topic will be obvious. I recommend this Note as a reference.

0. Angle, multiple value function, logarithm
The first difficulty is to define the logarithm. The angle of a complex is clear, but why we need complex logarithm to make it sense by striping one line? In fact, we always hope to make a function continuous, but since the angle is a multiple value function, to achieve we have to pay something. Then the log is well defined and so is the power.

1. Differential, analytic, confromal, holomorphic function
This four words represent in fact the same sense in complex analysis. The derivative can be understood as the form on C and if we know the sense in Banach space, we know that it is just a linear approximation in distance. But in complex situation, it has other senses, like the Cauchy-Riemann equation, the conformal map keeps the angle and the real part and imaginary part are all harmonic, so we have all the property from harmonic function.

Thanks to the Cauchy integral, we pass the differential to analytic. So the regularity is not C^1, C^2 but C^infinity. What an amazing result! So we would like to know how to prove that a function is analytic? A strong weapon is Motel lemma, who says that if the integral along any triangle is 0, this function is analytic. We can develop other methods from this, like passing the limit from a series of functions.

2. Singularities and Laurent series
The opposite side of analytic is singularity. What the other side of analytic? There are three type, removable singularity,  pole and essential singularity. The removable singularity says that we can redefine the value on the singularity. The pole is the case that limit infinity so its inverse is 0. The essential singularity says the value around it is dense in C! Notice that all the case discussed above is the isolated singularity. Well, to define something in any form makes no sense.

Then the Laurent series give a criteria for these singularities. If it has only positive part, it is analytic. If it has some negative part, it is pole. But if it has infinite negative term, it is an essential singularity.

3. More about integral - homotopy and residue theorem
A theorem, which is always correct says that along two homotopic trajectories the integral is the same. This strong property makes the connection between the complex analysis and topology. So we have a stronger version of Cauchy integral and even the residue theorem. That is when we make the integral, we do this only in the part around the singularity.

We apply this technique also in counting the zeros and the argument of angle.

4. Reimann mapping theorem
Last but not the least, a powerful theorem, any simply connected  domain have a conformal mapping to disk.

Why I revise complex analysis? Recently, the probability theorem has a strong connection with the complex analysis. I believe that these basic elements will help me understand those delicate theory.


Independence of random variable

The independence of random variable is always one tricky question. Yesterday, my friend asks me one question: X and Y1 are independent, X and Y2 are independent, so are X and (Y1, Y2) independent? 

I thought that this should be right. But in fact, after one hour I could not prove it, although I have tried different ways. So I turned the mind; MAYBE IT IS WRONG!

In the next 5 minutes,  I gave a very simple counter example; Let X and Y1 iid Bernoulli, but Y2 = |X - Y1|. Therefore, we can verify that P(X = 1, Y1 = 1, Y2 = 1) = 1/4, but P(X = 1) = 1/2 and P(Y1 = 1, Y2 = 1) = 1/4.

My friend tells me the prof claims this assertion? What? So I review the question in the class. Ok, the question is about the gaussian, who can be a very special case since its correlation means the dependence.


La rentrée @ IHES

En 2016, pour se manifester que l'Université Paris Saclay a été déjà comme unité, la rentrée a lieu chez IHES, où tous les élèves de chaque labo y participent. Plusieurs lectures contenant deux cours plus concentrés sont organisées. En plus, les nouveaux post-docs partagent leur enseignements pendant le thèse avec nous.

Je suis deux cours plus "appliqués" - l'arbre aléatoire et le problème de Kakeya. Bon, à vrai dire, j'ai eu l'ambition de reprendre quelques cours pures, mais à la fin, je fais le correct choix. Parceque je comprends bien ces deux cours, la grande ligne et ses techniques. Ils m'inspire aussi de trouver mon propre idée de démonstration, comme le cyclic lemma et le résultat positve dans la localisation dans cube. C'est la maths. On a besoin de non seulement apprécier la beauté, mais attaquer les questions.

Les post-docs nous partagent leur parcours aussi. Un doctorat n'est pas facile mais il désirit les efforts. Sauf que l'on face le choix entre les maths et la famille, ou peut-être de l'argent. La compétition existe toujours, en tous cas, le métier comme un mathématicien attire les jeunes quand même.

Bon, la semaine prochaine sera 3A. C'est parti.






Dynamic system: ODE

Today, I finished the last exam in my 2A the dynamic system. I have to say that it is not easy to prepare for an additional exam, but this time, finally, I got the idea of the ODE and here I would like to say something about it.

The history of ODE is so long that we cannot recall the beginning of this subject and, in fact, the development of this subject is so closed to the analysis. Except the techniques of resolving the specific equation, the existence, unity and continuity are three most important ideas in the development of ODE.  That is Cauchy problem, namely we know the initial condition and how it evolves, we should know the state of every time. This idea is so simple and it influences also the philosophy school - determinism. We believe it not only because we can solve some equations, but also because that we know the law - there is no reason why we cannot fix the state in a given point.

The proof of this theorem - I used to find very hard, but just the general version of Picard theorem. In the course of Polytechnique, we use one course to prove all the version of Picard theorem, the simple version, lip-version and C^k version. By this we derive the implicit function theorem and local inversion theorem, useful weapons in the later proof of stability. The Picard theorem in Banach space gives the famous Cauchy-Lip theorem, that is in Lip condition, the solution exists locally.

Although this is just the base, it is enough. The longtime evolution is just this basic point adding some extension theorem. In fact, the terminal of the evolution is necessarily blow-up and before this case, all the trace cannot intersect. By these two points, we can nearly decide all the evolution of ODE.

When talking about the asymptotic behaviors, the perturbation theory, the resolvant theory, and the idea from the geometry are so useful. In the case of periodic theory, generally we know that the period is stable even though there are errors and sometimes we can make the modification to make the exact periodic theorem. The study of the flot or resolvant, which generalize the evolution to study the diffimorphism between space has a high viewpoint mathematical. And also, we use the first return technique of Poincare. By this, we treat the pendulum problem totally, like in this exam. The period is determined mostly by the force but not its own period.

I believe that there are many other problems to answer, like the chaos theory and ergodic  theory. I will continue some discovery in 3A.












说部今天看的惊悚片The shallows





        人的精神力量是强大的,我们在生活中面对的深渊、大海、鲨鱼不见得是自然界的,但挑战未必更小,此时也要咬紧牙关奋力一搏吧。当然,我想故事除了歌颂人类顽强的求生意志,还是想告诉大家提高安全意识no zuo no die。人类是地球主宰只在工具齐全的前提下,跑去荒山野岭分分钟被教做人,何况面对鲨鱼这种自然界进化的高级杀戮机器?




        这个标题是用来呼应当年《龙门飞甲》号称首部3D武侠巨制。昨日看了黄飞鸿就想到刘洵老爷子,想到他在龙门客栈里的表现,然后想起这部电影至今还没看,就YouTube扫了一遍。整体说来这就是一个搞着噱头、带着情怀的续作,它在艺术性和故事性上都比不上原作,但好在最后还保留了那么一丝丝精髓以及毕竟大制作带入了些许 亮点,所以即使是原作粉,也还能把它姑且视作是一部续作吧。


















































From discrete martingale to continuous martingale

Recently, I give a tutorial about the theory of martingale and Markov chain to my classmate, who has missed the exam, so I will write something about the martingale theory.

[Conditional expectation]
To understand the theory of martingale, I believe the conditional expectation is the most important part. According to my experience, I would like to learn some advanced topics in probability theory for long time, but I found it so difficult to study it without a good understanding of conditional expectation. 

In fact, the sigma algebra can be seen as a kind of information. The conditional expectation is just a kind of approximation given a subset of the information. In the image process, the counterpart is multi-resolution analysis; in the language of functional analysis, it is the projection in subspace of Hilbert space. But the general existence is the density of intergrable function in L^2 space.

[Martingale: Its motivation and importance]
To define a martingale, we should have a family of filtration, i.e a series of information. The martingale is to say the best approximation of today is just the random variable yesterday. 

Then is the Doob's theorem, a discrete version of integration. That is to say, if we do invest only depending on the old information, we cannot do better than just keep the mean 0. 

More tricks can be found in the theory of martingale, specially when we add the role of stopping time. Perhaps, we can also say, the development of martingale is just for answering a lot questions about the stopping - - - all from optimal stopping time theorem. So, the profs always say, we know all about the random processes if only we find a martingale.

Last but not the least is the convergence of martingale, the most beautiful theorem in the martingale theorem because it uses nice inequality like Doob's maximal inequality and upcrossing inequality. We know generally, if the martingale is uniformly L^1 bounded, it converges almost sure. If the condition is stronger L^p, we get a L^p convergence. But for get L^1 convergence, the suitable condition is uniformly intergrable.  In addition, this convergence, the most precise resolution can do approximation in different level to get the discrete martingale.

[Martingale: from discrete to continuous]
When we pass from discrete to continuous martingale, it's necessary to say something about the regularity about the random processes. Why? While people talk about the random processes, they sometimes say cadlag. a french word, continue à droite et limite à gauche. This condition makes sure that some martingale has sense, and the processes is more regular. In fact, we can change the processes in a 0 measure to make it cadlag. 

And, only in this case, all the convergence theorem like L^P, p.s , L^1 works. The technique part is just like the discrete version but with more treat in the limit of all the time. 

In conclusion, we give a short introduction about what the martingale is and why this tool is so useful. I agree that it is a little abstract and we can understand its sense only with the concrete example.













Measure in metric space 1 : The structure of continuous function

Recently, I start to study the topic of random geometry, which deals the convergence of some interesting geometric objects in the space of probability. That is to say the value of the random variable is sometimes the geometric object and there is some space very interesting but also strange in the first glance like Gromov-Haussdorff space. But how to define the convergence in this sense? After all, we have to restart from the base.

Generally, we define the measure in metric space as the duality of the continuous and bounded function. To reach this point, at first we have to learn something about the structure of continuous function in metric space, or more generally the Haussdorff locally compact space.

Two theorem are the bases: the theorem of Urysohn and the theorem of Tietze. The theorem of Urysohn tells us that in the normal space X and two closed set E,F , we can define a continuous function who takes 1 in E and 0 in F. This generalizes the linear function or hat function in dimension 1. Then the Tietze theorem tells us, given a continuous function defined in the closed set E of X, we can extend it in the whole space X as a continuous function, which is so naive in R.

A power application of this two theorem is that, in fact, we can define the plateau function in metric space. I believe that if one has learned some modern analysis must know the importance of the plateau function in the analysis. The convolution and the technique like localisation all come from here. To prove it, we have to observe that: T2 + compact = T4. In locally compact Haussdorff space, we can always add one open set O between the compact set K and an open set U who contains the compact, moreover, the closure of O is also contained in U. Then, the Urysohn gives the plateau function support in the closure of O.

A tricky lemma about the possibility to divide the compact K in two compact K1, K2 which belongs to U1 and U2 respectively and the union of U1 and U2 covers K. The proof is a little tricky, but it leads the decomposition of unity in locally compact Haussdorff space and then a continuous support compact function can be decomposed in the finite sum of the function of same type. Moreover, in disjoint compact set, we can define a continuous function to joint the simple function, so continuous support compact function is dense in many norms.

That is the first step to understand a profound measure, it is long but I believe that it deserve the hard work to conquer it.


How to guess the bigger number in two hands?

Today morning, I received a question from one of my old friends

Alice writes respectively one number in two hands, you can see one of them, then is there a strategy to guess in which hand is placed the bigger number with a probability bigger than 50%?

His intuition tells my friend that nothing will change even though we know one number because the other has always possibility to change. But the maths tell me that it is not the fact. (Thanks to Polytechnique, I remember that I have done this question in PC but not in the form to try to get the design)

First, we recall that for a fair game, we should have the possibility to see left or right hand. If not, the "cheat strategy" is that Alice shows always the left hand with a smaller number but hides the bigger in the right, then we have no chance to win.

The strategy is simple: we require left hand or right hand randomly with possibility of 0.5, then if it is bigger than 10, we guess this number is bigger. Else we guess that it is small. We neglect the situation that the two number are equal. Moreover, 10 is not essential, we can use any number as a criteria. 

What happens? We note the two number as random variable X, Y. As we require the two number randomly, we can suppose that they have a symmetry distribution. i.e p(x,y) = p(y,x). The domain that our strategy does not work is {Y>X>10} and {10>X>Y}. But our strategy works is the area {X>Y>10},{10>Y>X},{X>10>Y},{Y>10>X}. The first two compensate the negative situation. The last two situation we win.

If you do not believe in it, a simple MATLAB simulation will show our proof is correct.

We can also prove by contradiction. If as what we suppose, nothing has changed. Then, the number showed should be the mean number of the distribution. Then, any number is the mean? This is obviously wrong.

In conclusion, to figure out this question, we should has a basic knowledge about the base of probability. That is, what is the experimental space and what is measurable, what is probability. This also underlies the significance of the information and conditional probability.

PS: If I play this game with my naught cousin and I hope to win as many as possible, what should I do? Firstly, I will use the statistic method to approximate the mean of the distribution, given that we believe the number in two hands are independent. Secondly, I will make the choice by two hands as randomly as possible, at least, he should not know how I guess, or I will lose the game.  


















2A - 还有三周




可以认为Markov作为离散动力系统中的一环,随着计算机的发展已经变得和连续动力系统中的微分方程一样重要了。嗯,其实我们也常用Markov来模拟拉普拉斯方程的对吧?今天还读到关于Mixing Time的科普性文章,这个我非常喜欢。

简单说,Markov就是一个只和当下有关而不在乎过去的随机过程。我们关心周期性、渐进行为、渐进速度Mixing time、截断情况Cutoff。还有很多技巧,例如Couple 这些都是值得研究的。包括从纯数学角度,研究群结构意义下的随机游动也帮助我们知道群的结构。







统计物理很多时候会和概率论扯在一块,这也是时下一个研究方向。la fonction de repartition 就是概率论中的统计物理1中粒子大多都是idd的。这也是理想气体的假设。







Galton Waston Tree - base and description by random walk


Galton Waston Tree is a basic model in probability theory and sometimes we call it branching process. This model can be taught in the introductory course of probability in Polytechnique during Tronc Commun, but its background is so profound that we can find it in so much domain in applied mathematics and pure mathematics, some examples for the former is the biological process like the gene and, however, some example for the later is the recent breakthrough in maths and physics like random mapping theory. In fact, we start from the BGW model and develop the continuous random tree, a continuous version as the convergence of the tree, and at last is the most fashionable object.

As I have passion to continue the study in this field, I will devote a series of blog in this domain. This first introduction comes from the talk given by Igor Kortchmeski last week.


The BGM process is can be defined as a tree. In each generation, the parent gives birth to its children and the law of production follows a random variable uniformly and independently. Usually we study the situation that the expectation of the production is finite and it is logical in reality.

The first problem comes from the biology: when the population will distinct? The answer is that when the expectation of production is less than 1, the population will die necessarily but even though this expectation is larger than 1, there is still a probability that the population die out. Then precise study of this problem relied the study by the generated function, who is in form of iterations.

Simulation of uniform tree

The second problem is how many generated tree without label? A famous formula of Cayley is n^(n-2). This can also be solved by BGW model and in fact our BGW model can simulate this process given certain probability of production. If the probability of production is like a geometry law, this gives a uniform ordered and root fixed tree, but if it follow the law of Poisson, it is the simulation of uniform non-labelled but root fixed tree. The technique detail will be given in the next section.


In the lecture, Igor introduced two method to code the tree: one by the function of contour and the other by the random walk. The first one, each step is the height of the vertex in the tree in order of the depth first search and in the second one, we assign each move the law of production. Then the process of production becomes the process of random walk. This is nature since we can always consider the number of population in a given and then the number denote the random walk. The second method by random walk has incredible power: since we understand well the random walk and it can calculate many property like the number of non-labelled tree, which we have introduced int the previous section.

Some further study like the asymptotic growth of number of tree can be approximated by the local limit theorem, a extended version of central limit theorem. Until here we have presented almost all the content in this lecture and I will write some notes by simple description of these beautiful maths.


2A 1/3 passé


【P1】 = 统计 + 量子力学2 + INF411 + 动力系统(sup)

【统计】第一次给了我一个感觉统计也可以非常非常理论。应该说这个统计课就是告诉我们,在什么样的假设下,我们脑洞打开设计的方法是有道理的(estimateur), 或者随机变量之间应该有怎样的一种依赖性(regression),以及我们设计了一个方法,然后根据这个方法找变量的关系,这个方法的准确性是多少(test)。稍显美中不足的,过于理论了,甚至都没有拿这些方法做过什么。当下统计学习如此火热,我们当然要懂些原理,可是连一点点直觉都没有好像不太好。



【动力系统】因为最后没有参加考试所以后来劲就送了,只能等到来年再来过了。不过我个人觉得这门课内容对我而言是有提升的。本科对ODE的了解就停留在解解方程了,而事实上呢?法国整个动力系统的框架完全是建立在更一般抽象的体系上的么。当然基石还是Cauchy Lipthiz.还有整个Flot的想法应该是渗透到了力学还有PDE当中去的。


【P2】 = Distribution + 数值入门 + INF421 + 狭义相对论(sup)






【INF421】stabe matching, DP, 各种最短路最小生成树,TPS,做了个Projet TTP,还有胡来的随机算法和启发式算法。

【狭义相对论】又当科普课上了,总算会用lorenz 变换写各种光啊波啊等等。

【小结】:说真的不是每一门课都那么喜欢,但是也强迫着自己拿出至少85分热情去面对了所以学着还挺好(?)吧。后面有概率模型,统计物理,BIG Data,还有NS方程。以及我们不能把PSC就这样落下啊。最后两个学期,是体现120分热情的时候了,小宇宙烧起来~

Three interesting questions

Yesterday, we talk about three interesting questions in the cuisine and luckily I have found the answers by myself for this three enigma. Now, I share them with you.

[Probability and a series of number]
A series of integers are coming but we don't know the total number of these integers. We have a fix number of memory. Try to design a way to give one number of them randomly.

Idea: Because we don't know the number, so in fact we keep the random during all the process. We start from the simple case. We we given one number, we just keep it. But once we have two, we must update it with the prob 0.5. That is the key. Once we know the total number until now, we have the method to update the data randomly.So two memory is OK.

[Find the polynomial]
We are given a polynomial of degree integer positive. We have two chance to test the polynomial by value. How we find it?

Idea: Intuitively, this is not so logical because in maths we know we can construct a polynomial of certain zeros. But pay attention to the positive integer coefficient. The addition of one polynomial cannot always be correct.

The correct way to think by maths: if we can separate the coefficient, we get it. But to separate the coefficient we have to know the range, so the first chance we can use it to test the range of coefficient. For example, we put 1 in it. We get the range. We put 100000~0 to it, then we get the coefficient.

RMK: It is said that this method can be used to attack the HashCode.

[The most frequent number]
Once again, we are given a series of integer and we know that there is one number which appears more than half of it. We don't know the number, try to find it.

Idea: this is one in which I use the most of time. I got the answer by intuition and then prove it by maths. We get one number, count the number from it, count the number it occurs. If the frequency is lower than half, erase all the data and re gain the number.

A better arrangement can reduce the memory to two. But the heart of this idea is that if we do partition of the interval, at least from one point, the frequency of this number is always above 0.5.